Terrific Excavation Websites: Key Strategies to Add (+Tips)

Excavation Websites

The excavation industry is doing amazing and the time for great excavation websites has come! In fact, according to data from IBISWorld, the industry in the United States alone is worth $4billion per year.

Excavation customers are searching every day for excavator rental prices and cost estimates, excavator sizes and specifications for specific job requirements, excavator transport and logistics for large or difficult-to-reach job sites, excavator digging depth and reach capabilities for digging trenches, foundations, and more, excavator operator training and certification programs, excavator operating techniques and safety guidelines, or a number of other services you provide and they wanting to find excavation websites that represent accordingly!

Having a great excavation website can give your business the edge it needs to beat out competitors, attract new customers and expand. A Pew Resarch survey found that 80% of excavation businesses with a website reported that it helped them grow their busienss by increasing new customers.

On the flip side, not having a website for your excavation business can lose you business. A study by Clutch found that 57% of of customers will not recommend a business if it doesn't have a website.

In addition, excavator websites never sleep, call in sick and work 24/7 behind-the-scenes communicating services to customers, sharing reviews and providing the information your customers need to choose the right excavator.

As a business owner, we understand that building a excavator website is hard and you need inspiration. Fortunately, we work with hundreds of excavators and know exactly what makes a website stand out from the competition.

So let's get to it and dive in to make sure you have one of the best excavation websites out there!

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Excavator Websites

Excavation Websites Need Great UX Optimization

When it comes to excavation websites, UX (user experience) is more than just a nice-to-have – it can be the deciding factor in whether or not customers choose your business and equally important, whether Google gives your site the thumbs up for good rankings.

A excavation website with excellent UX is like a well-oiled machine. It's effortless for your customers to maneuver and pleasing on the eyes, providing customers and potential customers with an enjoyable yet efficient experience that can be navigated without any hitches.

It's also critically important to Google. Think about it, Google users could be visiting your excavation website after searching for:

"excavator digging depth and reach capabilities for digging trenches, foundations, and more"
"excavator transport and logistics for large or difficult-to-reach job sites"
"excavator operator training and certification programs"
"excavator comparison and reviews to find the best model for the job"
"excavator rental companies and service providers near the job site"
"excavator rental prices and cost estimates"
"excavator attachments for different digging and demolition tasks"
"excavation [city]"
"excavator [city]"
"excavators [zip code]"
"excavator sizes and specifications for specific job requirements [zip code]"

And if Google users don't have a good user experience, then Google will not be happy. And we all know what happens if Google isn't happy with your excavator website- yep, down the rankings drain it shall go.

Happy Google = Happy Rankings

What do we mean by a happy Google? Let's say a user starts on Google's servers and types in a search term like excavator transport and logistics for large or difficult-to-reach job sites, excavator operator training and certification programs, excavator comparison and reviews to find the best model for the job, excavator operating techniques and safety guidelines or another related service. Next, the user views the top excavation websites on page 1 and clicks over to the site that most appealed to them.

  • Google is happy when the user found the excavation website that satisfied what they were looking for and does not return to Google.
  • Google is NOT happy when the user 'hits the back button' because they didn't find what they were looking for and returns to Google.

Below are several things you can do to get started with the UX optimization:

Responsive Design

Excavators can maximize the potential of their website by making it responsive. A well-designed, adaptive site allows excavation visitors to view content no matter what device they are using - be it a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone!

Responsive websites offer several benefits for excavators including improved customer experience and seamless access across multiple devices. More benefits include:

  • Mobile compatibility: With the majority of excavation searches like excavator digging depth and reach capabilities for digging trenches, foundations, and more, excavator operating techniques and safety guidelines, excavator comparison and reviews to find the best model for the job, excavator rental companies and service providers near the job site, excavator transport and logistics for large or difficult-to-reach job sites, excavator maintenance and repair services, etc., now being done on mobile devices, it's important for excavators to have a website that is easily accessible and usable on a variety of mobile phones, including the latest iPhone, Androids and tablets.

  • Convenience: A responsive website allows customers to easily find and contact the excavator, schedule excavation appointments, and make payments, regardless of the device they're using.

  • Professionalism: Responsive excavation websites also help to establish the excavator as a professional and reputable business, which can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

  • Cost-effective: Responsive websites for excavators are cost-effective as it eliminates the need to maintain and develop separate mobile and desktop versions, reducing costs and speeding up the development process.

PRO TIP: Additionally, Google uses the mobile version of your excavation website for ranking. In fact, Google has been using mobile-first indexing for several years, which means that it uses the mobile version of a website for indexing and ranking, rather than the desktop version.

This is because the majority of excavation related searches, like excavator comparison and reviews to find the best model for the job, excavator operator training and certification programs, excavator digging depth and reach capabilities for digging trenches, foundations, and more, excavator transport and logistics for large or difficult-to-reach job sites, etc., are now done on mobile devices. By using mobile-first indexing, Google aims to improve the search experience for users by providing them with relevant and user-friendly content, regardless of the device they're using.

The best excavation websites will be optimized for mobile devices and have a responsive design, giving them a better opportunity to rank higher in search results, as they provide a better user experience.

It's worth noting that if a excavator's website doesn't have a mobile version, Google will still index and rank it, but it may not perform as well as a mobile-optimized website.

Well Placed Call-to-Actions (CTA)

Excavation websites should be designed to inspire action from your visitors - and the key to that are carefully crafted call-to-actions (CTAs). By strategically placing CTAs throughout the site, you can encourage people to take desired actions and ultimately increase conversions.

Having well-placed CTAs on your website will help it:

  • Guides users to take a desired action, such as scheduling a excavation estimate or easily calling in with a simple click.

  • Increases conversions and improves the user experience, which Google wants to see!

  • Helps track the success of excavation marketing and advertising efforts by providing insight into which marketing channels drive the most conversions by tracking where clicks on the CTA come from.

Without a effective CTAs, your excavation website may be missing out on a huge opportunity to engage and convert visitors. Ensure that yours is strategically placed - it could make all the difference!

Navigation Built for the Excavation Customer's Journey

Your excavator's website must have a navigation that built to provide a fluid customer journey. Navigation is the way visitors find their way around your website and it's crucial to make it easy for them to reach the information they are looking for.

A well-organized and intuitive navigation structure can improve the overall user experience and help your customers (and potential customers) quickly and easily find the content they are interested in.

Websites for Excavators

Key Excavation Pages to Have on Your Website

There are several important pages that should be included on a excavation website in order to provide potential customers with the information they need and to help establish the business as a reputable and professional one. Some key pages to include are:

  • Homepage: A clear and well-designed homepage that gives an overview of the excavation business and its services.

  • About Your Excavation Team: A page that provides information about the excavator's team, the business and its history, along with the qualifications and certifications.

  • Excavation Services Provided: A page that lists the excavation services offered by the business, along with detailed information about each service.

  • Portfolio: A page that showcases the excavator's past work, including before-and-after photos of completed projects.

  • Excavation Testimonials: A page that features customer reviews and testimonials from past excavation projects, which can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

  • Contact Us: A page that provides the contact information for the excavation business, including phone number, email, and physical address, as well as a contact form to allow customers to easily get in touch.

  • FAQs: A page that answers common excavator questions customers may have about the business and its services.

  • Blog: Blog: A page that provides helpful tips and advice on excavation-related issues and can help the website to rank higher on search engines.

  • Emergency Excavation Services: A page that provides information about emergency services that the excavator offers and how to contact them in case of emergency.

PRO TIP: Stand out from the competition even more by covering the latest excavation trends. Below are a few trends in the excavation industry that your website should go over.

  • Increased use of technology: Excavation companies are embracing new technologies such as GPS, drone surveying, and 3D modeling software to improve efficiency, accuracy, and safety on the job site.

  • Focus on sustainability: The excavation industry is taking steps to reduce its impact on the environment through the use of electric and hybrid equipment, as well as implementing practices to minimize waste and conserve resources.

  • Prefabrication and modular construction: Prefabrication is becoming increasingly popular in the excavation industry as it allows for quicker and more efficient construction. This can include prefabricated underground utility systems and modular building components.

  • Demands for higher productivity: With the growing need for infrastructure and housing, the excavation industry is facing demands for higher productivity to meet the demands. Excavation companies are investing in equipment and training programs to improve the speed and efficiency of their operations.

  • Safety advancements: The excavation industry has a history of being one of the most dangerous industries, but this is changing with new safety advancements such as automated equipment, protective gear, and better training programs. Companies are investing in these advancements to create safer work environments for their employees and reduce the risk of accidents on the job site.

Websites Excavation

On-Page Excavation SEO

On-page excavation SEO plays a crucial role when it comes to creating a website for your excavation company; not only does it make sure that search engines can index your content, but also allows them to instantly identify how relevant your excavation website is for a particular search term.

After disecting the top websites for excavators, we correlated the top areas to focus on when it comes to on-page excavator SEO:

  • Use keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions: The title tag and meta description are among the most important on-page excavation SEO elements. Make sure they accurately reflect the content of the webpage and include the target keywords.

    Example: If you're wanting to be found for "excavation services" you'll want to include this phrase in the areas mentioned above.

  • Use header tags appropriately: Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to organize the content of the page and make it easy for search engines to understand the structure of the page.

  • Optimize images and videos: Use descriptive file names and alt tags for images and videos to make them more easily discoverable by search engines.

  • Optimize internal linking structure: Use internal linking to help search engines understand the hierarchy of your website and the relative importance of different pages.

  • Use schema markup: Schema markup is a type of structured data that can help search engines understand the content of a webpage more effectively.

  • Keep it fresh: Regularly updating your excavation website with fresh, relevant content can help boost your rankings and drive more traffic to your site.

  • Use tools: Use SEO tools to track your on-page SEO progress and find areas that need improvement.

PRO TIP: The best excavation websites don't over-do-it. You want to stay away from going overboard with adding unessecary keywords to avoid an overoptimization penalty.

Overoptimization, also known as "keyword stuffing," refers to the practice of including too many keywords on a webpage in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. This can include using the same keyword multiple times in the same sentence or paragraph, using hidden text or links, or creating fake pages with irrelevant content.

Example: At ACME Excavation Services, we offer excavation services for those wanting excavation services in areas that I offer excavation services.

Error on the side of caution and follow the 'less is more' strategy.

Examples of the Best Excavation Websites

Ok, let's get into it! Below, we listed the top excavator websites for this coming year!

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website example


Mastec has crafted an impressive website that exudes a sense of professionalism. With its bold blue and white color scheme, visitors are immediately met with impressionable visuals. But the site goes beyond just providing good looks; it also offers up engaging articles about Mastec so potential clients can get to know them better as well as experience seamless navigation for maximum user satisfaction.

website example

Bird Construction

Bird Construction had a mission: create an eye-catching website that stands out from the crowd. Combining white, deep green, and minimalistic design elements gave their site just the right touch of modern sophistication. With each page dedicated to their proud legacy in excavation services, plus clear calls to action throughout, it's no wonder this webpage is one of the most highly regarded online today!

website example

Taggart Construction

Taggart Construction has a rich history of success, and the website really reflects that. With its engaging design, clients are able to take an in-depth look at their timeline of accomplishments and can rest assured knowing this company’s legacy for quality work is backed up with evidence on display. The navigability also allows customers to conveniently find out more about Taggart's highly revered reputation!

website example


Keller leverages its recognizable logo and bold colors of dark blue and yellow to create a visually appealing, user-friendly website. Strategically placed calls to action guide visitors through the site with ease while still driving impactful branding—an impeccably designed digital experience!

website example


Shorecon's website is crafted for success, featuring an attention-grabbing color scheme of bold orange and deep blue set against high-quality imagery. Their separate landing pages provide potential customers with all the information they need to make informed decisions about their services, creating a hassle-free experience that keeps users engaged.

website example

North American Construction Group

The North American Construction Group website is aesthetically pleasing, with a cohesive and integrated color scheme. Providing users the opportunity to read all about their company right on the homepage creates an atmosphere of transparency and reliability, inspiring confidence in potential clients. The site is filled with informative content that ensures everyone's needs are met!

website example

Dufferin Construction

Dufferin Construction's website immediately draws the eye with its striking black and red color palette. Its carefully curated list of related companies provides visitors with a sense of trustworthiness earned over many years in business, showing potential customers that they can be relied upon for quality services.

website example

Ken White Constructions

Ken White Constructions is showing they're at the top of their game; upon entering their website, viewers are greeted with multiple calls to action that invite customers into an exciting multimedia adventure. By linking up to YouTube and Instagram pages, Ken White Construction gives users a chance to explore more creative outlets while engaging in brand building. It's one of the best ways for companies today to drive traffic right back home!

website example

J. Derenzo

J. Derenzo's website provides an elegant first impression with its sophisticated blue and white color scheme. They create trust through the display of their company metrics as well as examples of their previous work featured on the homepage, showcasing quality assurance!

Know of a great excavation website?
Let us know of one!

Time to Build Your Excavator Website!

(Simple action steps to build a website for your excavation business)

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Register Your Domain Name

Before you can start building the perfect website for your excavation business, the first order of business is to register your unique domain name (URL). Your domain name will be like an address for your online home – make sure it’s unforgettable and aligns with your brand!

Action items steps to register your excavators business domain name:

  • Choose a domain name: Your domain name should be related to your business name or service, and should be easy to remember and type. You can check the availability of a domain name by using a domain name registrar or a domain name checker tool.

    Example domain names:

  • Choose a domain registrar: A domain registrar is a company that manages the reservation of internet domain names. Some popular domain registrars include GoDaddy, Namecheap, Network Solutions, and 1&1.

  • Register your domain name: Once you have chosen a domain registrar and a domain name, you can register your domain name by providing your contact information and paying the annual registration fee.

  • Configure your DNS: DNS (Domain Name System) is the system that connects your domain name to your website's hosting server. You will need to configure your DNS settings with your domain registrar in order to connect your domain name to your website.

  • Verify your domain registration: Once your domain name is registered, you will receive a confirmation email from your domain registrar. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your registration.

  • Renew your domain name: Domain names must be renewed annually to keep them active. Your domain registrar will send you a reminder to renew your domain name before it expires.

Pro Tip: Just starting your excavation company? Check out the industry's leading article on how to start a excavation company.

Design a Excavation Website

  • Choose a website builder or platform: There are many excavation website builders and platforms available, such as Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and WordPress. Choose one that is easy to use and has the features and capabilities you need to create the perfect excavation website you envision.

  • Choose a template or theme: Most website builders and platforms offer a variety of carpet cleaning templates or themes to choose from. Select a template or theme that is appropriate for the carpet cleaning industry.

  • Customize your design: Customize the template or theme by adding your own excavators logo, images, text, and other elements. Make sure the design is consistent with your branding and messaging.

  • Add content: The best excavation websites have great content. Create content for your website, including text, images, and videos. Make sure the content is engaging, informative, and relevant to your target audience.

  • Optimize for SEO: Optimize your website's content, images, and meta tags to improve your search engine rankings. This will help more people find your website when they search for excavation services.

  • Test and Launch: Before launching your excavation website, test it to make sure it is functioning properly and that all links and forms are working correctly. Once you are satisfied with your website, launch it and make it live.

  • Update and maintain: Keep your website up-to-date with fresh content and make any necessary updates to keep it running smoothly. Monitor your website's performance, and make adjustments as needed to improve its functionality and user experience.

Track Performance

Now that your site is live, you'll want to track your excavation website's performance. This allows you to measure the success of your online presence. You can see how many people are visiting your website, how long they're staying, and what pages they're viewing. This information can help you determine how well your website is meeting your goals and objectives.

Google analytics a great tool for this, in fact, tracking tools are up their with the top tools for excavators, but this is for your website. Sign up for Google Analytics to make sure you're tracking at a pro level.

The Best Excavation Websites - The Final Takeaway

The best excavation websites mean the difference between success and stagnation. Turning your site into an effective lead-generating powerhouse requires dedication and hard work - but it'll definitely pay off!

Harness the power of these tips above, and you'll be able to create an all-star website for your excavation business that works tirelessly on your behalf.

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